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ESPECIAL EN INGLÉS. Científica Dental vol 13 2016

Año: 2016| Número 4| Volumen: 13

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Esta publicación está exclusivamente disponible para su descarga en PDF | 03/31/2024

Artículos de la publicación

Editorial ESPECIAL EN INGLÉS. Científica Dental vol 13 2016

New oral anticoagulants: implications in odontology

Surgical treatment of oroantral postextraction fistulas. Case presentation and review of the literature

Use of Endoret® (PRGF®) (Platelet Rich Growth Factor) in the post-extraction socket: a new regenerative approach

The effect of thermocycling and acid pre-etch on bond strength to enamel of different self-etch adhesives

Retreatment of a lower second molar endodontic presenting with complex anatomy

Simultaneous surgical treatment of impacted third and fourth molars: a case report