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ESPECIAL EN INGLÉS. Científica Dental vol 15 2018

Año: 2018| Número 4| Volumen: 15

Contenidos de la publicación

Esta publicación está exclusivamente disponible para su descarga en PDF | 03/30/2024

Artículos de la publicación

Editorial ESPECIAL EN INGLÉS. Científica Dental vol 15 2018

Vertical guided bone regeneration with d-PTFE membrane

Degree of knowledge of dental trauma among primary school teachers in the Community of Madrid

Coronectomy as a treatment alternative to extraction of the lower third molars. A systematic review

Immediate post-extraction implants with immediate loading in alveoli with infection due to active periodontitis: a retrospective cohort study

Treatment of multiple recessions in the aesthetic sector through the use of the bilaminar technique: Description of the surgical technique and results

Influence of the type of dentist practice on the management of the palatally impacted canine