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ESPECIAL EN INGLÉS. Científica Dental vol 17 2020

Año: 2020| Número 4| Volumen: 17

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Esta publicación está exclusivamente disponible para su descarga en PDF | 03/29/2024

Artículos de la publicación

Editorial ESPECIAL EN INGLÉS. Científica Dental vol 17 2020

Radiographic diagnosis of impacted maxillary canines: Comparison between two and three dimensions

Craniocervical position characteristics for different occlusions in developing patients: Craniocervical relationship and occlusion

Atrophic posterior maxilla: sinus elevation with lateral approach Vs. Extra-short implants. Clinical case with eight years of follow-up

Extreme vertical and horizontal atrophy combined in posterior mandibular sectors; use of short implants and 2-phase ridge expansion with transitional implants: A clinical case

Comparative densitometric analysis between a new bone graft material composed of calcium phosphate vs. bovine hydroxyapatite in alveolar ridge preservation. A pilot study

Digital flow in unitary dental implants rehabilitation in anterior sector. Surgical and prosthetic planning. Case report